Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Review of FRAGMENTS (The Partials Sequence #2) by Dan Wells

(Blurb from Goodreads.com)

After discovering the cure for RM, Kira Walker sets off on a terrifying journey into the ruins of postapocalyptic America and the darkest desires of her heart in order to uncover the means—and a reason—for humanity's survival.

The way I read it ~

Fragments has left me bewildered.

The first book Partials left me so exhilarated that I was anxious to read the continuation. But alas, my exhilaration deflated like a party balloon losing its air slowing. You know eventually all the air's going to be out but yet you wait...

And, you wait some more...

I had high hopes, soaring hopes really. It is very rare that a book trilogy (And I do love me some trilogies) has left me so flabbergasted by the second book. I mean, W-T-H!

I never want to give up on a story. But I tried and Fragments failed miserably. I want to rename it: The never ending journey that wasn't. I totally get the reasons for the travelling. 

But Geewizzmotherofallthingstedious!!! I couldn't take the drawn out, unavoidable travelling!
And the switching back and forth from one set of characters to another set of characters didn't work for me. The main character's journey was overwhelming enough, being reminded constantly of how 'dire' and 'hopeless' her situation was without having to contend with a secondary set of characters being reminded of how 'boring' and 'insignificant' their reason for existing was.

Yeah.... I'm done spewing.

What I did like:

1) The concept of the story. The whole 'artificial race against their human creators' idea was what intrigued me from the beginning.

2) The potential, always hinted at, never actually culminating love story. It was there, lingering. I felt it. I wanted it. I never got it!

3) Heron. This badass Partial/Assassin chick was hilarious. I was quite eager to hear what she'd say next and how else she could piss off Kira. I imagined Actress Stephanie Jacobsen in my head.

With the Australian accent and everything!

Unfortunately......... DNF! @ 60%

RATED  BITTER: 2 out of 5 Sugar Cubes

Reviewed by Leelo

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